Visual Communication, a.s.
with its registered office at Pražská 1335/63, Hostivař, 102 00 Prague 10, ID number: 17790468, entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number B 23324
Within the holding Visual Communication a.s. we create a strong and prosperous entity, able to maintain and further strengthen its position on the Czech and Central European market in the future.
Audio visual communication is the common denominator of our business activities. We enjoy AV technology, and we also convey the joy of our solution users and visitors to various events. Thanks to our experience and competencies, we are able to transform the needs of our customers into unique realizations in the corporate and public spheres, education, culture and the event industry. Now, after more than 30 years on the market, we are even closer to our customers thanks to the new organizational structure.
IČ 48108375
IČ 07306008
AV MEDIA SSC, s.r.o.
IČ 07303131
DESIGN 4AVI, s.r.o.
IČ 07303289
Glance Media, spol. s r.o.
IČ 28394941
CinemaNext, s.r.o.
IČ 24727245

Budova Pražská 63, s.r.o.
IČ 07303238